Friday, February 11, 2011

.Stenella coeruleoalba.

The Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is an extensively studied dolphin that is found in temperate and tropical waters of all the world's oceans.

Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) dalam peneitian yang  ekstensif adalah lumba-lumba yang ditemukan dalam air iklim sedang dan tropis dari seluruh  lautan.

The Striped Dolphin is one of five species traditionally included in the genus Stenella; however, recent genetic work by LeDuc et al. (1999) indicates that Stenella, as traditionally conceived, is not a natural group. According to that study, the closest relatives of the Striped Dolphin are the Clymene Dolphin, the Common Dolphins, the Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, and "Tursiops" aduncus , which was formerly considered a subspecies of the Bottlenose Dolphin. The Striped Dolphin was discovered by Meyen in 1833. The specific name coeruleoalba (from Latin caeruleus 'dark blue' and albus 'white') refers to the characteristic blue and white stripes on the flanks.
Scientific classification
 Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
 Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Eutheria
Order: Cetacea
Suborder: Odontoceti
Family: Delphinidae
 Genus: Stenella
Species: S. Coeruleoalba

Physical description

The Striped Dolphin has a similar size and shape to several other dolphins that inhabit the waters that it does (see Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Clymene Dolphin). However its colouring is very different and makes them relatively easy to notice at sea. The underside is blue, white or pink. There are one or two black bands that circle the eyes, and then run across the back, to the flipper. These bands widen to the width of the flipper which are the same size. There are two further black stripes running from behind the ear - one is short and ends just above the flipper. The other is longer and thickens along the flanks until it curves down under the belly just prior to the tail stock. Above these stripes the dolphin's flanks are coloured light blue or grey. All appendages are black as well. At birth, individuals weigh about 10 kg (22 pounds) and are up to a meter (3 feet) long. By adulthood they have grown to 2.4 m (8 ft) (females) or 2.6 m (8.5 ft) (males) and weigh 150 kg (330 lb) (female) or 160 kg (352 lb) (male). Research suggest that sexual maturity was reached at 12 years in Mediterranean females and in the Pacific at between 7 and 9 years. Longevity is about 55–60 years. Gestation lasts approximately 12 months and there is a three or four year gap between calving.
In common with other dolphins in its genus, the Striped dolphin moves in large groups - usually in excess of up to thousands of individuals in size. Groups may be smaller in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. They may also mix with Common Dolphins. The Striped dolphin is as capable as any dolphin at performing acrobatics - frequently breaching and jumping far above the surface of the water. Sometimes, it approaches boats in the Atlantic and Mediterranean but this is dramatically less common in other areas, particularly in the Pacific where it has been heavily exploited in the past.
The Striped Dolphin feeds on small pelagic fish and squid.

Serupa dengan lumba-lumba lainnya di perariran yang sama (pantropical spotted dolphin, atlantic spotted dolphin, clymene dolphin) namun dengan warna mencolok
Warna putih atau pink, garis hitam dari mata yang meluas ke flipper. Dua garis dari lubang telinga. Yang pendek sampai diatas sirip, yang panjang menghitam hingga bawah perut sebelum ekor. Diatas panggul warna biru terang/kelabu
Bayi sekitar 1 m dan berat 10 kg. Dewasa betina 2,4 m dan 150 kg. Jantan 2,6 m dan 160 kg
Usia 55-60 tahun. Betina matang seksual pada 7-9 tahun (pasifik) dan 12 tahun (mediterania). Masa kehamilan 12 bulan
Makanan ikan pelagis kecil dan cumi-cumi
Berkelompok besar hingga seribu ekor, kadang mendekati kapal di Mediterania dan Pasifik. Karena sering ditangkap di Pasifik sekarang jarang mendekat

Population and distribution

The Striped Dolphin likes temperate or tropical, off-shore waters. It is found in abundance in the North and South Atlantic Oceans, including the Mediterranean and Gulf of Mexico, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Roughly speaking it occupies a range running from 40° N to 30° S. It has been found in water temperatures ranging from 10 to 26 degrees Celsius, though the standard range is 18-22 degrees. In the western Pacific, where the species has been extensively studied, a distinctive migration pattern has been identified. This has not been the case in other areas. The dolphin appears to be common in all areas of its range, though that may not be continuous in areas of low population density do exist. The total population is in excess of two million.

Striped Dolphin menyukai iklim sedang  atau tropis, perairan lepas pantai. Dia ditemukan berlimpah di  selatan dan utara samudra atlantik, termasuk Mediterranean and Gulf of Mexico, Samudra Hindia dan Pasifik. Secara kasar itu menempati rentang antara  40 ° N sampai 30 ° S. Telah ditemukan dalam air suhu 10 sampai 26 derajat Celcius, meskipun rentang standar adalah 18-22 derajat Di Pasifik Barat, di mana spesies telah dipelajari secara ekstensif, pola migrasi yang berbeda telah diidentifikasi. Ini belum terjadi di daerah lain. lumba-lumba  ini tampaknya umum di semua area jangkauan, meskipun yang mungkin tidak terus-menerus di daerah-daerah kepadatan penduduk rendah memang ada. Populasi total berjumlah lebih dari dua juta.